Personal Information
Name surname Reha BİLİR


Reha Bilir, born in Beyşehir, is a graduate of Istanbul University Faculty of Pharmacy and works as a freelance pharmacist. His interviews were published in photography magazines in Turkey and abroad. He gave photography training seminars in Turkey, Indonesia, China, Italy, Benin, Luxembourg, Canada, Oman, Belgium, Luxembourg, Tunisia, Finland, Italy, Romania, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, India, Kazakhstan. His photographs were exhibited in many countries. He was shown among the first Turkish photographers to edit photographs in computer environment in the publication "After 1960 in Turkish Photography" prepared by Güler Ertan in 2005 with his exhibition called "Digital Frames". He has served as a jury member in more than 250 national and more than 90 international photo contests. He is the founder and manager of the art group called Sille Art Palace, which operates in Konya. In 2014, he was awarded with the ESFIAP (FIAP Successful Service Award) by the International Federation of Photographic Art - FIAP for his photographic work in the international arena. He is an honorary member of many associations in Turkey and more than 20 photographic societies and federations in many countries such as America, Bangladesh, India and Malaysia. In 2018, Reha Bilir was awarded the "Pharmacist Award for Adding Value to the Profession" by the Turkish Pharmacists Association. He was among the three photographers invited from around the world as a jury member to the 2012 7th World Cup competition organized by the International Federation of Photographic Art - FIAP. Reha Bilir is the first and only Turkish photographer invited to the World Cup as a jury member by FIAP. He is the media coordinator of FIAP Photography Academy and manager of FIAP's exhibition hall in Konya, Turkey.


Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Fotoğraf Sanatı Derneği (FOTOGEN)
1 Exhibition
3 Number of Photos
399 Profile Views