Personal Information
Name surname Özer KANBUROĞLU


He was born in İstanbul in 1964. He graduated from Mimar Sinan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Stage and Visual Arts in 1994. He received his master's degree in photography from Marmara University, Institute of Fine Arts, and Department of Photography in 1998. And he completed his Ph.D. research on Journalism at İstanbul University, Institute of Social Science in 2002. 

He has worked at different magazines as a editor and assistant editor. He exhibited his exhibitions which are named “İzlenimler” (The Impressions), “Detaylar” (The Details), “Sepetçiler” (The Basket Makers) and “Mimariler” (The Architectures) at various activities. Also he was the cinematographer and director of 7 documentary films

He has won approximately 140 awards at national and international photo contests. His articles, which are more than seventy, have been published in several magazines. He attended lots of national and international conferences and his articles, which are more than twenty, was accepted to national and international symposiums. He did presentations more than thirty. 

His photos were exhibited over fourty countries. He was honered with AFIAP (Artist of FIAP) due to his achievement of international contest from FIAP (Fedaration of International Art Photography) in 2001. He was chosen as a “Photographer of Millenium” at “Photographers of the End of Millenium” project which was supported from Photography Confederation of Spain in 2003. 

He became an “Assistant Professor” in 2002, an “Associate Professor” in 2004 and “Professor” in 2009. He published 22 books on photography. KANBUROĞLU who has also working as a Director and Director of Photography at documentary movies, is currently working at the İstanbul Aydın University, Dean of Fine Art Faculty.

Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
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Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Fotoğraf Sanatı Derneği (FOTOGEN)
1 Exhibition
3 Number of Photos
395 Profile Views