Personal Information
Name surname Nilüfer METİN

I was born in Ankara in1988.  I have attended basics of photopraghy and pratice of photography courses at FSK on 2019.  I’m interested in photography as amateur.


We are all human beings, not men or women. Instead of the social roles imposed on us, we should live the way we feel and the characters we are.

We are human. We think, we feel, we wonder, we fall in love, we get sad, we suffer, we get sick, we get better, we get happy, we rejoice.

Instead of the patterns imposed on us by social roles, we should live the way we feel, respecting ourselves and our environment.

Nilüfer METİN

February, 2022

Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Fotoğraf Sanatı Kurumu Derneği (FSK)
1 Exhibition
4 Number of Photos
389 Profile Views