Personal Information
Name surname Muzaffer SÜTLÜOĞLU

He was born in 1950

1976 He graduated  from IDMMA Galatasaray Engineering High School as a Civil Engineer.

In 1982 he became a member of İFSAK İstanbul Photography and Cinema Associaton.

He became a member of KASK Kocaeli Amateur Artists Club in 1983.

He Continued as the Chairman of the Bord of Directors.

He joined the bord Directors again in 1991. He Held various positions until  1995. For many years he served as HELMET TFDB Turkey Photo Turkey Photo Associations representative  of the Union.

He gave seminers onthe Art of Photography. He organized courses.

He participated in sympposiums and panels. His artikles on photography have been publihed in various magazines. The photos have been printed.

He reseived more yhan 50 awards in many competitions in Turkey and abroad. He received many exhibitions. He gave morethan 50 personal performances. He also participated in mixedshows and opened 37 personal exhibition. He participated in around 50 group exhibition.

In competitions in many countries of the World. Turkey, Brazil, France, Austria, Spain, England, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Chechoslovakia, Yugoslavya, Luksembourg, Italy, Singapore, Japan,Hong Kong. China, Taiwan, Poland, Portugal and India Photograps were Exhibited. And His Photos took place in Catologs.

Between 1990 and 1992 he worked on “Experimental Photography” “Wood Sculpture Symposium photographs” “Retrospective” “The Story of a Village” “ Black and White Portraits” and “Traces and Forms”.Now he continues to work on the “Dynamic Photograps” exhibition. In 1990 FIAP  (Federation Internationale De I’art Photographixue) was awarded the title of AFIAP (Artist of FIAP-AFIP artist) by the International Federation of Photographic Art. In 1995 he was awarded The title of Excellience FIAP EFIAP artist by FIAP.

He Participated in many exhibitions and Show organiziation. He worked as hte Sekretariat of The International Photography Contestthey organized together with KASK and İzmit Rotary Club in 1995 Since 1999. He has been working on Black and  Vhite photography. He mainly on human subjects. He is working on Projects related to teh draft on his future studies.

He worked as a lecturer in Kocaeli Universty Kandıra Vocational Hig School Basic Photography Courses for three years.

He worked at Kocaeli Metropolitian Municipality KOMEK for 8 years as a master teacher of photography. KASK honorary member. He has two published boks

He has a married daughter and son.

Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Fotoğraf Sanatı Derneği (FOTOGEN)
1 Exhibition
3 Number of Photos
356 Profile Views