Personal Information
Name surname Mesut BEKTAŞ

Mesut BEKTAŞ was born in 1986 in Diyarbakır / Silvan. He is a high school graduate and his photography life started in 2017 with free photography trainings given by Mehmet KILIÇOĞLU at Yenişehir Public Education Center. Photography is in the most important period of his life. He is conducting the exhibition and responsibility of the project on "Agriculture and Human". There were also exhibitions on violence against women themed 8 March International Women's Day. He voluntarily participated in all kinds of photography activities in all areas of life. As Fotono21 Association, they still continue to volunteer their activities and exhibitions. All trips and exhibitions they organize are organized by the members of the association with their own means without the support of any institution. He may not have the power to change life, but he thinks he has the power to photograph and document life. He is a member and financial affairs officer of Fotono21 Photography Association.

Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Diyarbakır Photography Association (FOTONO21)
1 Exhibition
1 Number of Photos
434 Profile Views