Personal Information
Name surname Mehmet Masum SÜER

Mehmet Masum SÜER, EFIAP, PPSA

PPS (Phoenix PhotographicSociety in Bangladesh) TurkeyDirector.

TurkeyHonorary Advisor of PPI (Professional Photographers International).

Mehmet Masum Suer is a documentaryphotographerandfreelancejournalist, living in city of Diyarbakir in Turkey.He began his career as a journalist in 1974, then worked for differentagencies and newspapers of Turkey as a reporter, photo-journalist, writer, redactoran drepresentative. He quit journalismafter 1993, and got involved on his researches about history, culture and language.Suer has been taking photos professionally in different fields besides photojournalism since 2005.Suer takes pictures of historic placesand building especially in citys of Diyarbakir, Mardin, Van and Hasankeyf. Mean while he has been involved on a project of taking photos of famous Kurdish artists. Photos of Suer are especially used in touristic publications such as guidebooks, brochures, and postcards as well as they are used in international tourismfairs, newspapers, and magazines. His 12 individual exhibitions took place in Turkey, Iraq, Belgiumand USA.He has the titles of many international institutions, including FIAP, and was recognized as a Life time Honorary Memberby 3 institutions. Has many awards from international competitions of FIAP, PSA  and other patronages.Mehmet Masum Suer is a member of PhotographicSociety of America (PSA).


Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Diyarbakır Photography Association (FOTONO21)
Mehmet Masum
1 Exhibition
1 Number of Photos
450 Profile Views