Personal Information
Name surname İlknur ŞİMŞEK

Ilknur Şimşek was born in 1992 in Malatya. She started photography with a film camera that was at home at the time. Of course, these were non-professional shots, and since it was a film, it could only look when it was printed. She studied Biomedical Engineering at the university and is currently working as a Biomedical Device Technologies teacher in Diyarbakır. She advanced her childhood passion for photography by enrolling in a photography course with a friend in her senior year at the university and buying a camera. She is improving myself by shooting more professionally with the trainings I have received in the fotono21 association and public education in Diyarbakır where she is currently working.She graduated from Anadolu University photography and videography department with great enthusiasm to learn more about this field. Currently, she continues to shoot and improve herself by making trips with the Fotono21 association in Diyarbakır.

Exhibitions Attended
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Exhibition Start Date
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Diyarbakır Photography Association (FOTONO21)
1 Exhibition
1 Number of Photos
419 Profile Views