Personal Information
Name surname Haluk UYGUR

Uygur was born in Adana in 1956 and studied medicine.He is the founding vice chairman of Turkey’s Federation of Photographic Art. He chaired the Adana Photography Amateurs Association and founded the Altınoran Thought and Art Association. He is among the founders of Adana Sinematek.

He is an honorary member of Adana Photography Amateurs Association, Sille Art Palace and Tarsus Photography Association and honorary president of Altınoran Thought and Art Association.

Among the awards he received during his lifetime, the Çukurova Award, the International Melvin Jones Award, the Puduhepa Science and Art Honor Award and the Turkish-MISK Artist of the Year Award are not because of the awards given to his work but to his identity.

He pioneered the establishment of cultural areas such as Adana Cinema Museum, Adana Yeşiloba National Struggle Museum, Mehmet Baltacı Photography Museum, Abidin Dino Art Park in Adana and participated in the interior decoration works of Adana Atatürk Science and Culture Museum. He also took part in the establishment of the Karacaoğlan Museum Library.

Among the important books of Haluk Uygur, who has been involved in more than seventy books as a writer, editor and photographer, are the Aktuel History of Art, The History of Photographic Thought, Abidin Dino is Returning Home, Me and Myself; Etem Çalışkan, Çukurova Medical History, Cilicia; Archaeological Guide, Four Thousand Years of Story, Adana, Toros Mountains andPrecious Flowers.

Uygur, who has been writing without giving any pause in the newspapers such as Güney Medya, Millliyet (GAP Supplement), Sabah (Çukurova Supplement) and Posta (GAP Supplement), has also published Adanalife and Altınşehir Adana magazines since 1995. Nowadays, he is publishing the Altınrota online magazine. 

Uygur, who has been teaching photography, art history and art philosophy under the name of Altınoran since 1998, has lectured photography and art history at Çukurova University Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Communication for a while.


Exhibitions Attended
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Fotoğraf Sanatı Derneği (FOTOGEN)
1 Exhibition
3 Number of Photos
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