Personal Information
Title EFIAP/g
Name surname David Somali CHOW

David was born in Bandung, Indonesia. He is an avid scuba diver with a Master Diver Certificate.

David enjoys adventure and traveling around the world. He has a deep love for photography and has taken an array of photographs from under the sea to the tops of the mountains.

David received the following Photographic distinctions:

• GMPSA – Grand Master Photography Society of America

• GPSA – Gold Photography Society of America Digital Portfolio

• EFIAP/g – Excellence De La Federation Internationale De L’Art Photographique / Gold

• GPU Cr4 – Global Photographic Union Crown 4


Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Art Photography of Indonesia
David Somali
1 Exhibition
3 Number of Photos
360 Profile Views