Personal Information
Name surname Barbaros ODABAŞ

Barbaros ODABAŞ – Architect, Master’s Degree.  Amateur Photographer.

Born in Trabzon, lives in Samsun.

He graduated from Haydarpaşa High School, after that, he studied Architecture at Karadeniz Technical University. In his professional life, he respectively worked in Türk Telekom, Ondokuz Mayıs University and in a private engineering and consulting company. 

His attention in photography ignited when he was just a student and continued more intensely after the development of digital technologies. 

He is a member of SAMFAD, Samsun Photography Art Association and he is mainly known for his works of Window, Melons and Children, Bulrush Team and Those Who Touch the Mud. His projects in general are captured in black and white.

His multiple photographs received awards, participated in various shows, interviews and exhibitions, and his photographs were published in magazines.


26th Şinasi Barutçu Cup,

2nd Yılmaz Güney Culture and Art Festival, Yılmaz Güney Award,

Governorship of Samsun, Four Seasons Samsun National Photograph Contest, 2nd 

place in Summer category,

1st Sinop National Four Seasons Photograph Contest, 3rd place,

and various exhibitions. 

Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Fotoğraf Sanatı Derneği (FOTOGEN)
1 Exhibition
3 Number of Photos
387 Profile Views