Personal Information
Name surname Abiprayadi RIYANTO

Born and Lives in Jakarta, Indonesia. A serious photography enthusiast, use digital camera as well as celluloid films. 

Got QPSA Distinction (Qualified Photographic Society of America), USA.

Using mainly 135/35mm camera, and sometimes medium-format-film camera as well as large-format.  Mostly taking landscape-genre photography but now starting to take street-genre as well as human interest.

Abiprayadi had participated in many international competitions and won some awards. His works has been exhibited in many join exhibitions in Jakarta and Bratislava. He has join photography books such as Angel of Change: On The Flipside Book (2014), 35-Destinations TRAVEL Bucket List Book (2017) and Spectrum (2019). 


Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Art Photography of Indonesia
1 Exhibition
3 Number of Photos
361 Profile Views