TFSF Vefa Sergileri - Tuğrul ÇAKAR

TFSF Vefa Sergileri - Tuğrul ÇAKAR

TFSF Vefa Sergileri - Tuğrul ÇAKAR

This exhibition, organized by the Turkish Photographic Art Federation (TFSF), consisting of photographs of Tuğrul ÇAKAR, the "Honour Member” of Ankara Photography Artists Club (AFSAD) and the "FOUNDING MEMBER" of the Photographic Art Institute (FSK), was held in Ankara on 24 November 2022 opened in the art gallery.

Tuğrul ÇAKAR was a photographer known as a person who produced photographs in a wide variety of styles, from documentary style to sandwich, painting and pinhole techniques.

In addition to his photography, he was writing "lived stories" in the field of literature.

He has albums in which he collects his photographs, and books in which he compiles his writings.

He was the owner of the AFIAP title and many awards for his achievements in photography.

More detailed information about Tuğrul ÇAKAR can be found in his "resume".

We remember Tuğrul ÇAKAR, who passed away on July 23, 2017, with respect and affection, and we are happy to share his photos with you.