Personal Information
Name surname Tolga TAYMAZ

I was born in 1970 in Istanbul. I've been in the sea since I was a baby. When I was in primary school, I wanted to be a diver in the future, with the influence of the Cousteau documentaries I watched. My interest in photography also started at that age. When I was a little child, I dreamed of taking photos of the underwater images of streams and lakes in places we visited in Anatolia. I entered the magical underwater world by taking diving training in 1997.

After reaching a certain proficiency in diving, I combined this passion with my passion for photography. My love of underwater imaging, which started as analog, continued as digital. My wife and my son have also become divers, and they take underwater photos and videos. 

Since the establishment of ‘Underwater Photographer And Filmakers Association’ (SUFOD), I have been the administirative board member and the secretary general for 3 years. SUFOD is the only association for underwater imaging in Turkey.We have progressed in line with our association's goals by conducting numerous activities for both the underwater world and the public. We want to continue our work in this regard without losing our speed.


Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Underwater Photographers and Filmmakers Association (SUFOD)
1 Exhibition
2 Number of Photos
378 Profile Views