Personal Information
Name surname Murat KAPTAN

His adventure with scuba diving was started in 2003. Firstly he started           taking underwater photography as a hobby and he has been continuing as a professional photographer since 15 years. Besides Turkish waters including Lake of Van, he has dived in Red Sea, Indonesia, Malasia and Phillipines and took many photographs. He has opened 10 individual underwater photography exhibition to increase children’s awarenes of nature, won many national and international preizes, attended underwater photography panels and his articles has been published in many magazines. He has been working as underwater imaging coordinator for an scientific project - Oceanographic Monitoring Project of İzmir Gulf-  coordinated by General Directorate IZSU of İzmir Municipalty and Marine Science Technology Institute of Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi. He has been working as a chairman of İzmir Art of Photograpy (IFOD) and Underwater Imaging Team Leader and Teacher of İzmir Municipalty Youth and Sport Club.

Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Underwater Photographers and Filmmakers Association (SUFOD)
2 Exhibition
3 Number of Photos
394 Profile Views