Personal Information
Name surname Hakan AYDIN


He was born in 1984 in Bursa. He graduated from Uludag University and still works as a public officer in the institution .

He has been photographing since 2006. Member of BUFSAD. He directed the Documentary Photography Workshop within BUFSAD for 1.5 years and in this context, he worked on the AfroTurks project for BursaFotofest with his workshop friends. His photographs were exhibited in various group exhibitions. He opened “March Mira “, his first personal photography exhibition, at Bursa Migration History Museum in 2018. The same exhibition was opened in Bursa city center in 2019 and more than 10 thousand people watched the exhibition. He took photographs for many academic book studies. His photos have been published in local and national magazines. He received awards in various photography competitions. Most importantly, he won the 1st place in Turkey in the People category of the National Geographic Photography Contest. In 2011, he was awarded the title of AFIAP by the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP). In 2013, he was selected to the team of 10 people representing Turkey in the international arena at the 24th FIAP Color Printing Biennial on "Light Used with Mastery" held in Argentina, and his team won the honorable mention with its 5th place on the basis of countries.

Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
2 Exhibition
57 Number of Photos
377 Profile Views