Personal Information
Name surname Cem ÖZORAL

I was born in Mersin/Turkey in 1962.

Married with a single child

Member of Underwater Photograhers and  Filmmakers Association, Black Sea Diver Association and Education for Future Association.

My hobby of photography started on 1977, bevame scuba diver in 1995, in 2000 diverted to underwater photography.

Since then I don’t like to dive without camera.

Besides Blacksea costs I dove at almost all Turkish diving sites.

Abroad I dove at Red Sea, Catalina Island, Saint Miguel Island, Sipadan Island, Kapali, Pemba Island, Balli and Lembeh Straight.

Underwater photography is the best way to immortalize the beauties  experienced in scuba diving.

Cem Özoral




Exhibitions Attended
Exhibition Name
Issuing Institution / Institutions
Exhibition Start Date
Exhibition End Date
Underwater Photographers and Filmmakers Association (SUFOD)
1 Exhibition
2 Number of Photos
379 Profile Views